Running for local office

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captain of 100
Posts: 933

Running for local office

Post by bbrown »

I'm a candidate running for a 3 year seat on our local borough assembly (Alaska's version of a county). There are 6 running for 2 seats so between that, being a young homeschooling mom (29 --and not in the "IN" crowd), and my principle-based constitutional ideas, I don't know that I'd get in but I felt strongly that I should run. Be it impression or zeal and a desire to bring about the right kind of change, I don't know. Regardless, I think it is going to be tough.

Any suggestions from those who've run previously?

(This is Britton's wife, Catherine)

Level 34 Illuminated
Posts: 11123
Location: Mesa, Arizona

Re: Running for local office

Post by lundbaek »

If nothing else, you will have opportunity to explain your principle-based constitutional ideas to a lot of people. That was the only achievement of my campaign for US Congress last year in Arizona, and I got that message out to an awful lot of people, many of whom were previously totally oblivious to those ideas.

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