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"Watching Adult Films Alters Brain Activity Similar To Drug Addicts, Alcoholics"

Posted: October 24th, 2017, 12:45 am
by sushi_chef
"Aug 12, 2015
Pornography is a platform where both men and women can be comfortable exploring their erotic desires. Watching it can boost your libido and even lead to happier and better relationships. Although one in three women in the U.S. regularly watch porn and 70 percent of men aged 18 to 24 visit porn sites at least once a month, watching it still remains a controversial issue. Antiporn advocates such as YourBrainOnPorn and a group called Fight The New Drug believe that porn use is a public health issue because of its effects on the brain.

But what exactly does it do to your brain? Several studies have shown porn consumption may rewire the brain, altering its structure and function, and causing addictive behavior to emerge. But are these brain changes a cause for concern?...
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