Quote from a guy called Mitch

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Proud 2b Peculiar
Level 34 Illuminated
Posts: 5560
Location: American Fork, Utah

Quote from a guy called Mitch

Post by Proud 2b Peculiar »

The founders were men of a sound understanding. They spoke of character as the defining characteristic of sound government. Those that believe it appropriate to vote for the lesser of two evils fail to grasp the importance of an honest, upright and Constitutional oriented candidate. We are fools and evil if we believe that a slow deterioration of our Constitution, by voting for the lesser of two evils, is more acceptable than a rapid destruction of this sacred document. Surely our mindset is unacceptable when we act to minimize the damage to our Constitution. This defeatist thinking is the antithesis of the founders and God's expectations of us. Do they not expect, no demand, from us to improve the Constitution. This cannot be achieved through the act of voting for inferior men. This cannot be achieved through voting for men who destroy the foundation of liberty we enjoy, albeit at a slower pace than other candidates.

How will we as a nation survive our constitutional crisis if we vote for men who do not respect it? How do we maintain liberty if we vote for men who desire socialism? How do we maintain our Republic if those we elect diminish it's principles. America you do a disservice to the founders and to those that love this country when you accept men who are not good enough for our Republic. We will fail our duty to our posterity and to those who died in the founding of this nation if we do not hand to the next generation a nation that is the equivalent or better than that which the founders built for us. A less free nation handed to future generations will be a blot on our character and patriotism.

Since this nations founding was driven by God He will hold us accountable for the lack of freedom that future generations will experience if we fail to honor the virtue of character in our representatives.

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