Influencing Others

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Influencing Others

Post by drtanner »

I believe that most individuals on this forum have within them, what they study and are learning, and their personal experiences something more they could share that would inspire and influence many of us to draw closer to our Heavenly Father and Christ. For me personally those posts are generally few and far between but when I do find them and read them it is like a drink of refreshing water. I hope you will continue to share even the small things that you have found that have helped and inspired you to be more like Christ. That being said I wanted to share some thoughts I have compiled on how to influence others:
the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself

Common methods to change someone’s mind/actions
1. Carrot: paying the “influencee”, bribery, quid pro quo, etc…
2. Stick: force, coercion, command, control, fear, etc…
3. Annoyance: nagging, shaming, baiting, frustration etc…
4. Tricks: deception, hidden agenda, any means not transparent

True influence
- The end does not Justify the means
- It matters how we cause the changes
- Not by force or command
- Through indirect and intangible ways

The key and challenge: the ability to cause a change in thought OR behavior through non-coercive and transparent means and where the “infuencee” voluntarily wants the changes even without some type of compensation.

How do we Influence Positive Changes in others

Heliotropic effect
All living systems have an inclination toward light (positive energy) and away from darkness (negative energy) - This is the Heliotropic Effect.
Heliotropic Effect means that all living systems have an inclination towards life-giving energy and away from life depleting or diminishing energy.

Positive energy = Light Negative energy = Darkness

Light is the easiest discernible positive energy.
Einstein - “Light is natures way of transferring energy through space.”

Alma 32:35 O then, is not this real? I say unto you, Yea, because it is light; and whatsoever is light, is good, because it is discernible, therefore ye must know that it is good; and now behold, after ye have tasted this light is your knowledge perfect?

When light hits the retina it is instantly converted to energy

Activates chemical reaction in all living cells

Our bodies have light-sensitive chemical switches and amplifiers

We flourish in the light (positive energy)

Humans flourish in positive energy

So What is the secret to influence??

Relational Energy
In human beings, Light / Energy is also experienced through interpersonal relationships.

The most powerful way to Influence others:
Studies of some of the most positive influential individuals have found that Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude are far more effective at influencing others long term behavior vs status, title, education, techniques, or a display of power.
And of course D&C 121 is one of the greatest revelations we have on influence as well :)

This was a good reminder for me as I associate with others on the forum. I am grateful for many I have met on this forum and their stories and life's experiences. I am grateful for the opportunity this venue gives me to think through my own thoughts and experiences. I am even grateful for some of the antagonists and opposition as it has helped me realize some of the tactics of the adversary and I have taught those in my family differently as a result. Above all I am grateful for the love the vast majority of you have for Jesus Christ and differences of opinion aside I know deep down you revere and love him as the savior and redeemer of the world and he is all any of us really have at the end of the day.

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