Obama's Pumpkin?

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Obama's Pumpkin?

Post by pritchet1 »

Cindy Simpson does a great job "holloweenizing" the frightful Nightmare from the White House -

http://www.americanthinker.com/2010/10/ ... mpkin.html
The mystery of Obama's past has been the subject of various theories explaining his motives and mindset, from a childhood grudge to the anti-colonial influence of the ghost of his father to the telltale home of his heart. Writers seek a glimpse behind Obama's mask (not one constructed of a birth certificate worn "plastered" to his forehead) as he frequently lifts his chin and tilts back his head while reading to his audience. Others contend that Obama's gestures reveal narcissism or elitist condescension.

The first gesture of the Democrat-controlled Congress, in the spirit of Linus's "Great Pumpkin," was a rush to hand out as many goodies as possible under the cloak of stimulating the faltering economy. Doctor Pelosi hastily stitched the package together behind closed doors and birthed a monster that has wrought havoc on the deficit and has yet to bring more jobs to life.

Flying on a broomstick with an "I won" license, Congress swept through more bills, written by mystery writers, unread by the majority: thousands of pages rammed into pumpkins that would dwarf the one magically turned into a carriage by Cinderella's fairy godmother. Thewe were pumpkins that had to be passed before we could find out what was in them, and as analysts slice through their contents, they found them full of rotten "little-noticed provisions." Routine spending bills were hideously deformed with grafts of unrelated appendages, while one of the most important duties of Congress, the budget, was neglected and instead rolled through via the deem 'n' pass.

Town hall participants, Constitutions in hand, knocked on doors of Democrat politicians and were treated to responses like "Are you serious?" The administration, hell-bent on handing out pitchforks, demonizes bankers, insurers, and wealthy business owners. And ObamaCare death panels appear to be more than a figment of Republican imaginations.

Ugly skeletons have been discovered in the closets of the administration, its czars, members of Congress, and even the Justice Department, while a huge pumpkin patch grows in the capital, tended by an ideological, unmoving scarecrow-in-chief.

In his weekly address to the "fulsome pulsing beast" of Organizing for America, Obama warns his "million-mouthed dog" of campaign ads produced by "shadowy" groups from "the other side" and targets Fox News as the bogeyman, while he reassures folks to pay no attention to the endorsements going on behind his side of the curtain.

On the lookout for October surprises, it is frightfully amusing to watch incumbent Congressmen headlessly galloping along without the very pumpkins they voted for, shying away when Obama visits their hometowns. And as November nears, nightmares are filled with visions of lame ducks being thrown into the cauldron after the elections.

Rep. Darrell Issa, poised to become chairman of the House Oversight Committee, is not afraid of the monstrous task of cleaning skeletons from the closets and carving the pumpkins to reveal their slimy, seedy contents to the American public. And conservative candidates, if elected, pledge to begin the messy process of repealing the rotten stench of unconstitutional legislation.

A great pumpkin paper harvest begins this November 2. I have eerie premonitions of a monstrous mash of pumpkin available for an enormous American pie, baked by a new Congress with a real conservative recipe.

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captain of 1,000
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Location: West Jordan, Utah

Re: Obama's Pumpkin?

Post by Henmasher »

That is a scary and well written article. Thanks

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